Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I know there has not been an update for some time and it is not that I have been so busy but just becoming laid back like the rest of the people in the Keys. I can say this three month stay was a larger undertaking for my first cruise and would suggest a few weeks rather than a few months for the first major outing. I do miss my family, friends, home, church and am READY to return.

This coming week is a week of preparation to finish repairs to ready the boat for the return. The largest of which is happening today by replacing the waste holding tank. It was leaking!

I am posting some photos of my animal friends who have kept me company. Also just two more sunset photos. I promise no more sunset photos.

I have had several visitors: my sister, Janice, and her husband Bob; my son Neil with Lori, Ellen and Nathan. Nathan made his first SCUBA dive at a wreck site near Sombrero Key and was so brave and did so well. (photo of
He and his dad in the water)

The people here are just wonderful, always helpful and lots of fun. But, home calls and I am ready. Look forward to seeing everyone before April the first, no foolin'.