Monday, January 2, 2012


In boating, some days go well and other days, just as in life, are a challenge. A strong wind came up during the night and this morning our anchor was burried in the marsh. We got is free but were an hour late getting started.

The wind continued at 25-30 knots all day robbing us of 2 knots, tossing us about and consuming much more fuel. We ducked into Brunswick for the evening and will stay here until the winds die down. Brunswick is a beautiful city founded in the early 1700's. See several pics of this beautiful city but take notice of the flags . In that position, they are not a motor vessel's friend.


  1. Jim, Amy posted a link for us to keep up with your progress. It sounds like a wonderful adventure.

    Hope you have a fantastic trip and that our Lord gives you great sailing weather.

    Martha Welch for Amos, too.
